Stress Free Holidays Series Part 11:
Christmas Preparations This Week To Make Your Christmas Stress Free

Christmas preparations can be a fun part of the holiday season themselves. Here are the tasks to do this week to make a Christmas that is stress free, and enjoyable for you and your whole family.

Week #11 of the Stress Free Holidays Challenge, with this week's Christmas preparations and tasks to make this holiday fun and not so stressful by planning ahead {on Household Management 101} #ChristmasPlanning #ChristmasPreparations #StressFreeHolidays
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Can you believe we are already on week 11 of the Stress Free Holidays series?

Christmas will be here before we know it, and we are coming down to the wire. Here are the Christmas tasks to do this week to get everything ready.

Note For 2023:

It's getting close to Christmas, and the deadlines are starting to feel a bit more real, and concrete, aren't they?

It's also a really busy time in the year for non-holiday related end of the year tasks, like finals for the kids, end of the year bookkeeping, and more, so I encourage you to take a few minutes to sit back and relax, and enjoy something you love that's Christmas related, and enjoy the season a bit! For me, I sat down with a hot cup of chai tea and ate a yummy gingerbread cookie. Remember, don't get so caught up in the bustle that you don't savor something meaningful for yourself.

Have A Wrapping Party

For the past few weeks I've been encouraging you to wrap presents as you go, as part of your Christmas preparations. However, if there are a couple that you haven't gotten to now is the time to get this wrapping done.

Set aside a couple of hours, perhaps after the kids go to bed, and pop in a movie to watch, or turn on some good Christmas music and get all those presents wrapped and ready to go. You'll thank me later, when things are even more busy and you aren't trying to do this late at night when you'd rather be sleeping.

Here are some resources on the site that can help you:

Mail Out Your Christmas Cards

Throughout the series we've had lots of little tasks over the last 11 weeks to get ready for this moment. Now it is time to finish up the last few remaining cards and mail them all out.

Since you've got all this extra time this year, and haven't rushed the process along, try to get some cute Christmas stamps for your cards to give them that last, extra special touch.

Do A Quick Toy Declutter In Your Home

buried in stuffed animals
Photo by Jim Sneddon

If you have little kids, like I do, your home is probably full of toys, and you'll get more for Christmas.

Even if you choose to buy clutter free gifts for your kids, or to do a family gift idea, not all your relatives and friends will.

Save yourself a bunch of headaches after Christmas, when you are trying to put all those new toys away, and do a quick clean out of old toys now. In my opinion this is one of the most critical, but overlooked Christmas preparations you can do in your home.

This is also a great chance to talk with your kids about donating to others who are less fortunate, and being thankful for what you have.

You can get more tips for getting rid of toy clutter here.

How to declutter a toy box {on Home Storage Solutions 101}

Begin Cleaning Your Home For Guests

If you're hosting Christmas parties or celebrations this year go ahead and begin getting your home cleaned up and ready to host those guests without you becoming stressed.

You can reference my housekeeping checklist, which lists the tasks you should focus on for hosting guests, even if your house is currently messy. Be sure to check it out to make sure you're prioritizing properly and get it all done with time to spare.

You can also check out this article about how to prepare your home for guests here.

Make A List Of Personal Christmas To Do's

Of course, the Christmas preparations and tasks I give out in this challenge have to be rather general, since they're going to a large group. That means you've got to think about the unique things you need to do too, to get ready for Christmas. With just a couple weeks until the big day now is the perfect time to make sure you think through everything you need to get done.

Think of your family's Christmas traditions, and make sure you've got the right supplies, set aside time, or whatever else it is you need or want to do to make those traditions come alive again this year.

This is also the time to really think about food for your holiday gatherings and/or Christmas Eve and day. I had you think about these things before, but only you know the specifics of what you have planned to make your planned meals or other food.

Once you've made your personal to do list look at it critically. Think through all the steps in the tasks you need to accomplish and make sure you haven't forgotten one.

Then, look at the list critically again, and make sure you actually have the time and energy to get all these things done in a stress free, relaxed way. If not, cut some things out, delegate them, or make your plans less grand.

This is not the time of year to be working yourself ragged, so make sure what you plan is realistic, and gives time for fun and time with your family. That is where you find true fulfillment during the holidays anyway.

If you'd like, you can grab a copy of the printable Christmas to do list here, that is part of the holiday planner.

printable Christmas to do list

Get Your Free Christmas Planner Here!

Along with the Christmas printables listed above, I've got even more here on the site! I've rounded them all up (9 printable forms) into one spot for you here, so grab all your Christmas planner printables here.

Free printable Christmas planner

Tell Me How This Week's Christmas Preparations Are Going

Stress Free Holidays Week 12

I'd love to hear how this week's challenge is going for you, so make sure to share with me below in the comments. You can share what you've accomplished, or any set backs you've had so we can all cheer you on.

In addition, I thought some of you might want to know briefly what we'll be working on next week, so I'll tell you:

  • Plan activities for kids while they're on winter break
  • Prepare as much for the Christmas Eve and Christmas day meals now as possible
  • Continue working through your personal Christmas to do list
  • Enjoy the holiday season with your friends and family

Previous Parts Of The Stress Free Holiday Series

If you missed the previous parts of this series, you can still jump in. There is always time to start your Christmas preparations to make your holidays stress free.

Here are the previous challenges:

Week #11 of the Stress Free Holidays Challenge, with this week's Christmas preparations and tasks to make this holiday fun and not so stressful by planning ahead {on Household Management 101} #ChristmasPlanning #ChristmasPreparations #StressFreeHolidays
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stress free holidays at household management 101

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