
The Household Manager brings you the latest information, ideas, and resources for your own household, from Household Management 101.

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In this Issue of The Household Manager:

  1. What's New At Household Management 101
  2. Scheduling Regular Tasks Can Make Getting Ready For The Holidays Less Stressful
  3. Tell Me About Your Favorite Cleaning And Laundry Supplies
  4. How To Videos For Household Managers
  5. Resources For Getting Ready For Christmas

What's New at Household Management 101?

This month at Household Management 101 I've been pretty busy adding a bunch of new information. Here is a sampling of some of the newest material:

Getting Ready For Baby Checklists

Cleaning Tips, Hints And Remedies

How To Fold Laundry Items

Links And Recommendations

Scheduling Regular Tasks Can Make Getting Ready For The Holidays Less Stressful

Can you believe it is already December? The year has gone by so quickly.

Pretty soon the holidays will be in full swing around us, if they already aren't.

You know what that means, right? Parties, and food to serve, presents to buy and wrap, and on and on.

All these added activities are lots of fun, but can also lead to stress if you aren't prepared.

That's where household management skills come into play. One of the best ways to reduce stress is to plan, schedule and organize your everyday life, so you can fit in these extra activities without going crazy.

I have an entire section of Household Management 101 devoted to habits, routines and scheduling that I urge you to check out.

It isn't complete (can anyone say, Taylor needs to schedule time to finish it?) but it already has some great information, mainly about scheduling right now.

What many people have found helpful is to see other people's daily and weekly cleaning schedules, and also their laundry schedules, to help them get ideas for themselves.

Remember, "If you spend half your time planning you will get it done twice as fast." (Old German proverb)

Here are example schedules for you to check out for yourself:

Some people also enjoy checklists for their cleaning. Here are some you can review to help you plan your own schedules for your housework.

I encourage you to use some of these resources to help you plan your own cleaning and laundry schedules for your homes.

Doing this one simple step (and following your schedule) will significantly reduce your stress this holiday season because the basics will be covered.

I also would urge you to share your cleaning and laundry schedules with everyone else.

I know I learn best by example, and I really appreciate it when others take the time to say what has worked well for them. Especially if you have an unusual situation or challenge that you creatively overcome -- I want to know about it. It just might help someone else in the same boat!

Tell Me About Your Favorite Cleaning And Laundry Supplies

Here at Household Management 101 I am always looking for new cleaning and laundry supplies to try out.

You never know when the next amazing product will be discovered, or even if it is not spectacularly amazing perhaps it is great because you can use it for some many different things.

Share your favorite or must have supplies with us, so everyone can benefit from your finds.

How To Videos For Household Managers

A lot of times I need written instructions for how to do things around the home, and so that is really what I focus on here at Household Management 101, but sometimes I really just need to see it done.

That's why I have an entire section of the website devoted to how to videos.

I try to add more videos each month, and currently the sections for videos include cleaning, laundry, organization, and health and safety. Come check out the how to videos and see if anything can help you today.

Resources For Getting Ready For Christmas

Here at Household Management 101 I really haven't focused too much on Christmas yet (although I have big plans to in the future).

However, I did want to point out some resources we have here that can help you get ready for Christmas this year.

I hope you find some these pages helpful in your Christmas preparations:

Thanks for joining me for
The Household Manager!

~ Learning Everyday How To Enjoy Your Home And Family ~

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