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Laundry Routines & Schedules For Moms With Young Kids
![]() Figuring out how to get the laundry done when you've got kids, especially young ones, is a skill that all us Moms need to learn to stay sane. Fortunately, you don't have to go it alone, or try to figure it out all by yourself. Instead, you can see what laundry routines and schedules other Moms of little ones have already used successfully in their own home, to get some ideas of your own. You'll most likely start seeing some patterns as you read the various laundry routines and schedules that have been shared, and those are the types of things that will most likely work for you too. Of course, remember that each family is unique so use the ideas below for inspiration, but be sure to think it through to decide what will work best for your family and babies needs, and then give your schedule a try. Once you've gotten a schedule or routine thats working for you, please make sure you share it here so even more overwhelmed Moms can be inspired with ideas that can improve their daily lives. (I'll add the best ones to the site!) In addition, be sure to check out my article about making a weekly laundry schedule for more tips and ideas of how to get your laundry done, so you can have more fun! In addition, what might work for one person may not work for another, so I've tried to present lots of different ideas and options you can check out, so you'll find the one right for you. Here are additional possible methods for keeping up with your laundry you can try:
![]() ![]() Allison's Weekly Laundry Schedule (Mom of 4)
by Allison
Below Allison shares her laundry schedule for her family. I have to say, this seems a lot like mine, because our circumstances are similar -- several kids, both spouses working (***update - I now work from home, but honestly my laundry routine hasn't changed much***). Hope you find this helpful! Allison says:My weekly laundry schedule evolved out of desperation. I found myself constantly telling my kids that I couldn't play, go outside, take a walk, watch their new found skill, etc...until I got the laundry done.And with both my husband and myself working, and 4 kids (ages 7, 5, 3, and 2 months), the laundry was never "done." So my schedule has become: M, W, F: a load of colors T, Th: a load of whites Sat: Bedding Sun: Towels And the last stipulation to my laundry schedule is that my load of laundry has to be done before 10:00 a.m. or after 7 p.m. so that I am not missing my children's life because of laundry! We also only have two laundry baskets; and they are in the bathroom where the washer and dryer are. One for whites, and one for colors (and they are clearly labeled!). This is a new schedule for our household. It has worked for the past month, so let's hope the laundry success continues! Taylor says:Thanks for sharing this schedule Allison. You make such a good point that laundry should not so dominate our lives, or take such a large amount of time that we can't actually enjoy our families!That's why I love schedules so much, since although they sound like more work they really give you freedom to do more fun stuff when the work is done! On a side note, I have my washer and dryer in a bathroom too -- which I had never heard anyone else have before myself. I like it though. Does anyone else have a place they really like their washer/dryer to be for convenience in their house? ***Update: A reader shared this comment about Allison's schedule: "So simple, but I have a feeling this will work for me. I REALLY like the idea of only two laundry baskets, although I will probably add a third because I like to wash the toddler clothes individually (he's a messy eater)." ***End Update Photo by thp365 Tashia's Weekly Laundry Schedule - Work At Home Mom
by Tashia Calhoun
Taylor says:Tashia has found a laundry schedule that works for her and her family. I am so excited for her that she has found a way to make something that she did not enjoy, laundry, into something more manageable, just by breaking it into smaller steps.Tashia says:Taylor - I read your article on creating a laundry schedule and had to try it. I have to say...I love it! I have never liked doing laundry, it was always such a drag and there was always so much!We are a family of 5, with small kids and I work from home, so I do all of the laundry. By following the schedule, I can do what's on my schedule for the day and then leave the rest. I don't feel like I am constantly behind. Here's my Weekly Laundry Schedule Monday - Towels & Bedding Tuesday - none Wednesday - Whites & Light Colors & Delicates Thursday - Jeans & Dark Colors Friday - Blues/Greens & Reds/Pinks Saturday - none Sunday - none This schedule works for me because I would rather not do laundry on weekends and Tuesdays are my work days and I take my little guy to a babysitter. Thanks for the great article and for helping me to get a handle on the laundry! ***Update: Comment from a reader: Thank you for your schedule - I like that there is a weekday off and no weekend laundry!!*** Kristi's Weekly Laundry Schedule (Mom of 4)
by Kristi
Kristi has shared her weekly laundry schedule with us, and how she and her husband cooperate to get the laundry done Kristi says:We have four young boys.We keep a row of three laundry baskets in my husband's closet. One is for towels and cleaning cloths. One is for socks and underwear and the other is for all other clothes. Sunday- clothes Monday- socks and underwear Tuesday- towels and cleaning cloths Wednesday- clothes Thursday- socks and underwear Friday- towels and cleaning cloths Saturday- sheets I have four baskets in use though, so when I take a basket to the laundry room, I put the empty one in that spot so we're never without a basket. This works well because we don't have a ton of clothes, so a once a week washing won't get us through the week. It's also much easier to have socks and underwear in their own load. Also, I can wash the underwear load on hot. It really saves time putting things away too (no stray socks get stuck in a shirt that way). As far as getting it done, I put a load in before leaving for work in the morning. My husband switches it to the dryer before he leaves for work. I put it away after work while the kids are having a snack. Taylor says:Kristi, thanks so much for sharing your laundry schedule.I really like how you sort the laundry as you go, which is easier than having to sort it when you want to throw it in the wash. I also really like how you and your husband both work together to get the laundry done. With four little boys I am sure it can get overwhelming if you don't keep on top of it. Photo by tandemracer Weekly Laundry Routine For Mom of 2 (3rd To Come Soon)
by Sandi
Sandi has shared her weekly laundry routine for her family, which consists of herself, her husband, and two (soon to be three) kids. Sandi's schedule:Monday: SonTuesday: Daughter Wednesday: Husband work clothes Thursday: Baby, towels, sheets, etc. Friday: Mom and Dad Regular Clothes Saturday: Other? Taylor says:Thanks Sandi for sharing your laundry routine.Laundry Schedule For Mum of Twins With One in Cloth Nappies
by Katy
One thing is for certain -- if you cloth diaper you most definitely have to keep up with your laundry. Katy's laundry schedule:Monday - no laundryTuesday - Nappies, towels, general clothes Wednesday - twins' sheets Thursday - darks, delicates Friday - Nappies, general clothes Saturday - Our sheets, towels Sunday - Nappies, general clothes I don't sort as often as I used to, but always sort clothes that are new and might run. I line dry whenever possible. My son goes through about 4 nappies (diapers) a day. Photo by tiffanywashco Diana's Weekly Laundry Schedule (Mom of 4)
by Diana R.
Diana has also shared her laundry routine, and she has young kids herself. Here's her schedule: Diana says:I have 2 boys (7 & 5) and 2 girls (2 & 11 Months), and because we have a girls room and boys room I have found it easier to split laundry by Boys & Girls.We have a basket in their rooms and two in ours. Our schedule is: Sunday - TJ & Boys Monday - Diana & Girls Tuesday - Linens Wednesday - TJ & Boys Thursday - Diana & Girls Friday - TJ & Boys Saturday - Linens I have done it this way b/c my husband works outdoors & since we live in the country our boys can get just as dirty as he does surveying & even if he works out of town he'll have his clothes clean for the weekend & the work week. We girls just don't get as dirty as they do. This also keeps clothes from piling up in the laundry room by the back door. Taylor says:Thanks Diana! Sounds like that schedule is really working well for your family!That's all the laundry routines and schedules for Moms with young kids that I've received, so far. Remember, if you've got a schedule or routine to share you can click here to tell me about it now. In addition, I've got lots of other schedules and routines from other women who have slightly different life circumstances, such as working Moms, work at home moms, homeschoolers, large families, those that do laundry at the laundromat, and more. You can check some of them out here:
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