Jacqui's 15 minute whirl

by Jacqui
(Norfolk, England)

Get Into Motion

Get Into Motion

I have asked what is your daily must do chores, or cleaning schedule? Here is Jacqui's response:

Jacqui's daily cleaning routine:

Every day I spend 15 minutes in each room, decluttering, tidying, dusting and sweeping.

It's amazing what you can accomplish in 15 minutes, and I make sure I take regular breaks in between.

Included in this are my front and back garden's which are counted as two rooms. Sometimes I don't need the full 15 minutes in every room.

Not exactly a schedule, but you will be surprised at how easy it is to keep everything in order with just 15 minutes in each room :)

I have 9 rooms which adds up to a total of 2 hours and 15 minutes each day. If there is a large task I want to tackle, such as de-cluttering a particularly messy cupboard, this CAN be included in the 15 minutes as long as you don't try to do it all in one go. Softly, softly catchee monkey haha!

Paperwork/lists I tend to accomplish in the evenings, just after the children are tucked up in bed when I can concentrate.

This is a very flexible routine, and allows for a lot of freedom. I hate being tied to lists and would rather look and see what I need to do quickly in each room ... the timing part is good because it enables me to focus and make quick decisions.

Taylor's thoughts:

Thanks for sharing your daily routine Jacqui.

I am a list kinda girl myself, but I understand many people are not. This seems like a great way to still get must-dos accomplished without needing an elaborate list.

So, what is your daily cleaning routine, or your must do daily chores? Please share your daily cleaning schedule or chores here, or read other schedules already submitted here.

Photo by makelessnoise

Related Links At Household Management 101

Daily House Cleaning Schedule In Homes With Children

Schedules, Routines And Habits For Your Home

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