7 Reasons To Create And Use A Home Management Binder With Your Family

It seems like every household management guru says you should create a home management binder, also known as a household notebook, or some other variation on that name. I know for the longest time I asked myself, why should I go to all that trouble? What can it really do for me and my family?

7 reasons to create a home management binder {on Household Management 101}
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Then, I gave in and created a household notebook (actually, I created 3 or 4 different ones until I figured out what worked best for me and my family), and I finally saw its benefits.

The 7 reasons I believe every family should create and use a home management binder are as follows:

7 reasons to create a home management binder {on Household Management 101}
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  1. Creating a household notebook for the first time is a concrete manifestation of your desire to improve things in your home.

  2. Creating a homemaking notebook also causes you to sit down and plan and set goals for your family and home.

  3. Getting everything gathered together in your homemaking notebook helps you think about how all parts of your home and family members' lives fit together, like so many pieces of a puzzle, and to make sure you pay attention to all the puzzle pieces adequately.

  4. Once you create your household management notebook you do not have to waste time trying to decide what to do first, or next. Instead, you have a plan, and you can work your plan.

  5. Being able to put your finger on any piece of information needed, either in an emergency or in an everyday moment makes your life, and the lives of your family, so much more peaceful.

  6. Sharing your household management binder with all the members of your family allows everyone to get involved as a team in taking care of your home and each other.

  7. Most importantly, creating and using a household notebook helps you enjoy your home and family -- the ultimate goal of household management.

Resources To Help You Make Your Own Household Notebook

Are you ready to make a household notebook now? If yes, look at the following links that can be of help to you:

Resources to help you create your household notebook

7 reasons to create a home management binder {on Household Management 101}
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Photos of the household notebook courtesy of a reader, Mariah

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